कम भोल्टेज इलेक्ट्रिकल उत्पादनहरू
कम भोल्टेज इलेक्ट्रिकल उत्पादनहरू
कम भोल्टेज इलेक्ट्रिकल उत्पादनहरू

हाम्रो उत्पादनहरू पूरा गर्नुहोस्


  • पेट्रिफिकेज
  • मेनूलीरी
  • रासायनिक
  • In recent years, the rapid expansion of China's photovoltaic industry, in the national attention and policy support, China has become the world's largest newly installed photovoltaic country, photovoltaic industry has become a non-negligible energy direction, whether it is a large photovoltaic power station, building photovoltaic or intelligent micro-grid, can achieve the reduction of system losses, reduce costs, improve the efficiency of system power पुस्तामा पुस्ता।
  • कारपुरक
  • डेटा केन्द्र
    डेटा केन्द्र
    The data center as a global collaboration of specific equipment network, based on the cloud technology business and the explosive pace of development in the era of big data, the use of standardized modules can achieve rapid configuration of solutions. डाटा सेन्टरको योजना, डिजाइन, र निर्माणलाई सरलीकृत गर्दा डाटा सेन्टरले सम्पूर्ण भौतिक पूर्वाधार अनुगमन गर्दछ। "नयाँ पूर्वाधार" को एक महत्त्वपूर्ण भाग को रूप मा, डाटा? The construction of the center plays an important supporting role in speeding up the digitalization, networking and intelligent transformation of traditional industries. With high-performance innovative products, Saiwei Electric efficiently serves the construction of major data center projects across the country, and has been highly recognized by customers.
Email: mulang@mlele.com